1.) To conform to all modern engineering, construction, marketing and Management practices.
2.) Be transparent about the policies and disclosures.
3.) Ensure that the logo of CREDAI BHOPAL is displayed on all advertisements in the Print, Electronic Media and Hoardings put up by the member for promotional activities as indicated in the logo details furnished by CREDAI Bhopal.
4.) Provide proper information for the common benefit of the Association.
5.) Work for mutual benefit and strive to enhance the name and prestige of the Association.
6.) Inform the Association the details of new project launches for updating the records.
Name of the project
Saleable area
Brief description along with brochures.
7.) To clear all dues and subscriptions to the Association as per schedule.
8.) members shall strictly abide by the rules and regulation of the Society and the Code of Conduct as adopted by the General Body of the Society. Any violation of the rules and regulation and Code of Conduct will lead to termination of membership.