Membership General Information

1.) Title and definition:

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) is the apex body for private Real Estate Developers Associations in India. CREDAI represents over 9,000 Developers through member Associations spread across 20 states of the country. CREDAI Bhopal is the chapter at Madhya Pradesh and is registered under the Section 25 of the Company’s Act 1956.

2.) Function:

CREDAI Bhopal is essentially meant to promote the interest of builders and keeping that in view, regular promotional activities like Property Shows are conducted, to help in brand building of the Members. CREDAI Bhopal also conducts Seminars and Training programmes for the benefit of its members.

3.) Membership:

Membership in the Association is open to all persons engaged in the profession / business as Builders. The admission is subject to the criteria stipulated by the Membership Committee of the Association from time to time. The applicant seeking membership will have to apply in the prescribed form along with the required details called for.

4.) Criteria for Selection:

  1.   Credibility and Reputation of the applicant

  2.   Proven professional & business ethics

  3.   Financial Status

5.)Other documents to be submitted:

  1.   Profile of the Firm & Directors with details of other business.

  2.   Brochure /leaflets on completed and ongoing projects.

  3.   Details of current running projects

  4.   Details of successfully completed projects and no. of dwelling units sold in the last 5 years

  5.   Report on the organizational set up of the applicant.

  6.   Details of membership in any other Associations / CREDAI chapters

6.)Details of permission of current projects to be submitted.

  1.   Approval of T & CP

  2.   Development Permission from Nagar Nigam

  3.   Building permission from Nagar Nigam

  4.   Diversion

  5.   Nazul NOC

7.) Cessation of membership:

A member may resign from his membership by giving 30 days notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary to that effect, and upon expiry of the notice period such member shall cease to be member of the Association. The resignation shall be accepted by the Executive Committee only after settlement of any dues to the Association. Membership is deemed to be terminated if the dues from a member fall in arrears for more than six months. Membership shall also be terminated on the grounds specified in the bye-laws of the Association.

Any member, immediately on resignation/cessation or termination of membership, shall refrain from using the word 'Member CREDAI Bhopal' and the 'Logo of CREDAI BHOPAL' as a prefix /suffix in their stationeries promotional materials / or advertisement both in press & electronic media with effect from the date of resignation/termination of membership.

If any member is found to have violated the Model Code of Conduct, appropriate action can be taken by the Executive Committee to terminate the member.

8.) members shall strictly abide by the rules and regulation of the Society and the Code of Conduct as adopted by the General Body of the Society. Any violation of the rules and regulation and Code of Conduct will lead to termination of membership.